Nation Not Buying That Donald Trump Jr. Was Unknown Campaign Aide
Just hours after the report that Donald Trump Jr. had privately messaged Wikileaks in an effort to gain access to potentially damning Clinton emails that were accessed through Russian hacks, Sarah Huckabee Sanders took the podium at the White House, looked the press straight in the eye, and told them that Donald Trump Jr. was a low-level campaign aide that most of the administration could not even pick out of a line-up.
Pressed on the fact that Donald Trump Jr. has the same name as the president, and is the president’s son, Sanders repeated her claim, stating, “Junior was a low level aide. He mostly fetched coffee and babysat Eric. He did not have any direct contact with the president or any of the administration. Any actions he took or messages he sent were done on his own volition. We did not even remember we had Junior as an aide until this report came out.”
Donald Trump Jr. later tweeted his conversations with Wikileaks to the public. In one tweet he added, “This report is nothing. They didn’t even write anything about the messages I sent to Vlad or his family members. Stupid fake news media! #GoGetEmDad #NoCollusion.” A poll taken just one day after the report and the response from the press secretary indicates that 73% of the country does not believe that Trump Jr. was a low level aide.
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