**Update** Trump Fires Tillerson After Loss at the IQ Battle Royale - Claims Victory Anyway
It has been nearly two months since Trump’s crippling defeat in the IQ Battle Royale. After multiple attempts to appeal the landslide decision, Trump took matters into his own hands and fired Tillerson to bring in somebody “with a very similar thought process”.
White House officials are concerned that the State Department will now be run by someone with a similar IQ and thought process as the president. A source close to the matter tells Probably Legit, “Unfortunately after the loss, Trump has convinced himself and the people around him, that IQ is like a golf score; the lower the better. It’s hard to get as low of a score as Trump did, but we are all pretty concerned with how Mike Pompeo will perform. He believes ‘science is for sissies’ and could only name seven countries other than the United States.”
Trump later tweeted, "You thought we were winning before? Now we will really start winning! America first! Mike Pompeo will do so great and so good. We thank TIllerson for going to countries and I think he talked to them about our country. I'm not sure. But I am not a moran. He is a moran. Also... Everyone knows I was the winner of the IQ battle. He cheated. I won and my IQ is strong. Believe me"
Asked for comment, Tillerson stated, "Trump is the biggest moron that has ever walked this planet. We will probably all die. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
**UPDATE** Trump loses! After being unable to answer the first three questions, the president flipped over the table and stormed out of the room. He later tweeted, "Tillerson is now in collusion with Hilary and the evil Dems. They asked unfair, impossible questions, that nobody knows. My IQ is the best. It is very high. Likely highest of any president."
As Donald Trump went 0 for 3 on questions asked of him and then forfeited, with one correct answer, the moderator of the match declared Tillerson the victor.
It’s been over a month now since Donald Trump called out Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and publicly challenged the man responsible for preventing World War III to a series of IQ tests. Tillerson has wisely refused to publicly comment on the matter, declining to add to the overwhelming embarrassment already experienced by the United States. But in private he remains confident, as is the majority of the planet that he would win. And finally, a date has been set.
The MGM Grand in Las Vegas will host the IQ contest on January 20th, 2018, the anniversary of Trump’s inauguration. Vegas odds makers are struggling to set the proper odds for the bout. When the announcement was made, initial Trump odds came in at 100,000 to 1, but as of the publishing of this article, odds for Trump to win have increased to 80,000 to 1.
An odds maker spoke with Probably Legit and stated, “If Trump somehow pulls off an upset it will bankrupt nearly every casino in Las Vegas. We’re all a little nervous. Multiple insurance policies have been taken out. I mean, he was the one who challenged Tillerson. He’s got to have some sort of reason to believe he’ll win…but come on…Either way, it will be incredible to watch and horribly embarrassing as a country.”
Officials close to the president claim he is confident. One source reports, “He canceled all TV and play time yesterday to sit with an intern to give guidance and instructions for the creation of the contest’s poster. Despite multiple suggestions to the contrary, he didn’t seem to care that people might not believe he has a six pack, and he insisted that the American public would know that XS glove size means ‘Extra Strong’. I’ve placed a large wager on Secretary Tillerson.”