Steve Bannon – Where are they now?
Steve Bannon, possibly Trump’s most controversial cabinet member, lasted until just August 18th as the president’s chief strategist. The Breitbart chairman, a beacon of the far right, held close ties to white supremacists and their message, and set the tone for much of the president’s campaign and first six months in office. He was forced to resign after a blistering run of public spats with other cabinet members. But where is he now?
An aide to the former chief strategist reports following Bannon to his car after his resignation to bring him a jacket he had left behind. But that is when things got weird. The aide reports, “I was looking right at him, walking maybe 25 yards ahead of me. And then his clothes just crumbled to the ground a pack of large rats scurried away together. I don’t… I just don’t know…”
After the report, a team of scientists watched all of Bannon’s former interviews and speeches and discovered a revelation. One scientist states, “It’s amazing that this wasn’t discovered earlier. After viewing the tapes, our hypothesis is that the things he was saying were so absurd that nobody seemed to notice that he was actually some sort of monster made up of roughly 300-400 rabid rats disguised as a human.”
The whereabouts of the rabid rats that were once our nation’s chief strategist are mostly unknown. There have been scattered reports of sightings near Breitbart headquarters, but scientists believe the pack will relocate to a cave, breed, and then return later as an even more ferocious army.